Post Secret Book

Post Secret Books

So I went to Borders today to read magazines [I was looking for the Juxtapox mag didnt find it...] anyways well I went there and start like reading books radomly I had a magazine called CMYK but I left it.. Kept up looking for books and foundthe Post Secret Book the 2006 one.. then i kept looking for other books and found two other editions the 2005 and 2007 [i guess?].

So then I sat down and I got like so impressed by these books that I had to buy one. I love the stories that people have to share. It is motivational in so many ways. I dare to say that this kind of books are needed today. People hide so much secrets and die with them and that aint healthy at some point. I have to say that I really identified with the stories. Felt like I should also share some of my secrets someday [dont know]. The themes vary so much from depression, to deception, confessions, happy moments, happy secrets of love, sad secrets of betrayal, and many many mores. Made me feel like I am not alone that many people have so many secrets and stories.
This book was created by Frank Warren. PostSecret is a community art project where people release their secrets by anonymously mailing them on a homemade postcard. Frank Warren started PostSecret in November, 2004 and has since received thousands of secrets from all over the world. The cards appeared in an All American Rejects music video for the song Dirty Little Secret, and PostSecret’s fee? a $2,000 donation to The National Hopeline Network 1(800)SUICIDE, a suicide hotline. PostSecret has recently published a book of some of the postcards with some of the proceeds also going to the hotline.
On an interview about the cards and books they asked him: [for complete interview click here]

What, in your opinion, is the motivation for people to send you their secrets?
“I think some people are looking to share a funny story, others want to talk about a secret kindness they performed but most people, I believe, are looking to better understand their own secrets and perhaps use this project as a first step in taking action upon their secrets.”
I totally recomend this book not just because of the story but also the creativity of the people that is another point of this great book people get so creative tha makes it fun, easy and understandable.. also it have like metaphors [haha]. You wont be disappointed. For more information on this books and the site visit Post Secrets Blog. This blog is updated every sunday so go and check it out. You will find the address were you cand send your postcard and share your secret with he rest ofthe world. The only thing I regret is not knowing about this books earlier.
Dirty Little Secret Video
by All – American Rejects

One thought on “Post Secret Book

  1. Wow. I didn’t remember PostSecret. When I first started blogging, I used to visit it every sunday and read the new confessions. I love the creativity used by the senders to communicate their secrets.

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