Jack Daniel’s Studio No.7

Anoche estaba en el cierre del la gira de Jack Daniel’s Studio No.7 Puerto Rico. En esta actividad participaron las siguientes bandas locales Almas, Lapdance, Cherry Clan, Icaro Azul, Circo y Bohemia Suburbana. La actividad se llevo a cabo en el Escambron Beach Club cerrando la gira con la musica de Bohemia Suburbana.

La entrada era por invitacion la cual obtenias al registrarte en la pagina. Llegamos temprano a eso de las 8pm hacimos una fila cortita [relativamente] y ya estabas adentro. Los tragos JD Mixes a $5 y lo demas estaba todo alli. El lugar se lleno de momento. En el exterior del Beach Club estaba el smoking and food section repleto de supermodels [haha al menos eso creian]. Me fije que la gente aqui es bien trendy chanel bags and all that shit.

En fin back to the subject.

Las primeras bandas cantaron un promedio de 3-4 canciones. Las ultimas o las del cierre que eran Circo y Bohemia Suburbana [main attration] les dieron mas libertad.

La musica de la noche la comenzo la banda Almas. Good music no sabia que existian y resulta que estan por ahi desde el 1999. Unos gemelos musicales a los cuales la gente respondio a sus pedidos y gritos.

Seguidos de Lapdance de los cuales si tengo conocimiento de que existian. Esta banda esta muy buena. Hace tiempo escuche algunas de sus canciones y anoche vi que esto es otra cosa. Me refiero a que si estan pegados. La cancion astronauta me gusto. La musica esta bien hecha. La gente los respaldo, bailo, brinco y canto las canciones. El performance overall estubo excelente. Buenos sonidos. Estare mas pendiente de ellos.

Llego Cherry Clan a quienes queria escuchar ya que mucha gente me ha dicho que esta buena la banda. tengo un amigo que me comento de ellos antes de que se fueran al “main stream” local. La muchacha canta bien nitido. Su voz es diferente lo que los hace diferentes. La musica es electronica pero con rockiada con guitarras. Son asi medio punk y la chica estaba bien fashion highlights y todo el rollo punk dio gracias a los de JD por llevarlos de gira y a la fanaticada que habia MUCHA ahi. La gente canto todas las canciones junto con ella. Me gustaron mucho y para tu informacion ya tienen el disco en las tiendas locales asi que apoyalos.

Icaro Azul entro a escena y yo sali a fuera porque dentro en el beach club habia demasiada gente y hacia demasiada calor. Sin embargo afuera hacia frio las olas estaban increibles. Una noche fria de esas pero con el Jack Daniel no se sentia mucho [haha]. Luego regreso y todavia Icaro esta arrasando con la casa. recordemos que ya Icaro es una banda bien conocida y establecida so tiene fans los cuales respodieron muy bien en todo momento. La voz de la muchacha mas gruesa que la de cherry clan pero fantastica. Se quedaron con todo aquello.

Ahora entraba Circo y yo tratando de llegar mas alfrente para tomar buenas fotos. Gracias a las chicas que estaban al lado mio y se compadecieron de mi estatura y me dejaron pasar [se les agradece]. Como podran saber Circo ruled the house Big Time. Cantaron el la cancion del cascaron la gente berrio con el. Esta presentacion me confirmo que el disco Cursi pego bien brutal y que la gente los quiere demasiado. Vi a los hombres cantando mucho mas que las muerejes o sea mas entregados [haha]. Disfrando de sus bailes extranhos pero divertidos. Su potente voz a la cual estamos acostumbrados. cantaron la cancion en promocion de la radio. Luego Don Fofe grito – “Quiero a todo el mundo bellaco aqui agarren su pareja vamos a cantar.”

Lo demas se lo imaginan y ya hoy es historia. Yo me fui despues de esas declaraciones porque el resto del crew had hunger y estaban esperando a fuera. Ya eran las 12:00 y todavia faltaba Bohemia Suburbana.

Lamentablemente no hay fotos de la ese performance porque no soy omnipresente. Si puedo decir que MUCHA gente fue a ver a Bohemia Suburbana. Que tiene de especial la banda -segun tengo entendido thanks to my peers- esta banda es una de esas bandas locales que lelvan anhos en la escena y hace tiempo no se escuchan pero siempre estan ahi. Asi que cuando hacen presentaciones se caen los lugares porque la gente quiere verlos y escucharles una vez mas. Estoy segura que se quedaron con el local y que hasta los que estaban afuera entraron para deleitarse con el main dish. Asi que buen provecho a los que se hartaron con Bohemia Suburbana.

Espero poder ir a la proxima gira y que sigan haciendo activiades como estas respaldando la musica local sobre todo el rock local. Demostrando que todavia queda buena musica rock en la isla y que sigue en crecimiento aunque todo el resto del mundo actualmente se crea que lo unico que se toca aqui es reggeaton [-“blahhhh!!!”].

Also… Como parte de la serie de eventos Jack Daniel’s Studio No. 7 se ha diseñaron un disco compacto que contiene una selección de 14 temas de las 7 bandas participantes de la gira Jack Daniel’s Studio No. 7. Este compilado fue distribuido gratuitamente en las fechas de la gira entre los asistentes.

Si deseas ver todas las fotos que tome en la actividad las puedes ver aqui Jack Daniel’s Studio No.7 [Puerto Rico].

Polaroid’s Suicide

The Associated Press
Friday, February 8, 2008; 4:54 PM

“Polaroid Corp. is dropping the technology it pioneered long before digital photography rendered instant film obsolete to all but a few nostalgia buffs.”

Polaroid is closing factories in Massachusetts, Mexico and the Netherlands and cutting 450 jobs as the brand synonymous with instant images focuses on ventures such as a portable printer for images from cell phones and Polaroid-branded digital cameras, televisions and DVD players.

The company stopped making instant cameras over the past two years.

“We’re trying to reinvent Polaroid so it lives on for the next 30 to 40 years,” Tom Beaudoin, Polaroid’s president, chief operating officer and chief financial officer, said in a phone interview Friday, after the company’s plans were reported in The Boston Globe.

Polaroid failed to embrace the digital technology that has transformed photography, instead sticking to its belief that many photographers who didn’t want to wait to get pictures developed would hold onto their old Polaroid cameras.

Global sales of traditional camera film have been dropping about 25 percent to 30 percent per year, “and I’ve got to believe instant film has been falling as fast if not faster,” said Ed Lee, a digital photography analyst at the research firm InfoTrends Inc.

“At some point in time, it had to reach the point where it was going to be uneconomical to keep producing instant film,” Lee said.

Privately held Polaroid doesn’t disclose financial details about its instant film business.

Polaroid instant film will be available in stores through next year, the company said _ after which, Lee said, Japan’s Fujifilm will be the only major maker of instant film.

Polaroid got its start making polarized sunglasses in the 1930s, and introduced its first instant camera in 1948. Film packs contained the chemicals for developing images inside the camera, and photos emerged from the camera in less than a minute.

Polaroid’s overall revenue from instant cameras, film and other products peaked in 1991 at nearly $3 billion. The company went into bankruptcy in 2001 and was bought four years later for $426 million by Minnetonka, Minn.-based consumer products company Petters Group Worldwide.

Meanwhile, Polaroid is seeking a partner to acquire licensing rights for its instant film, in hopes that another firm will continue making the film to supply Polaroid enthusiasts.

INFO taken from : washingtonpost.com
photo below taken from: www.wildcalifornia.org

Reavel’s Personal Note on this Subject:

I can’t believe this. I knew they will come to an end but not so fast. Come on we all love that old looks on the photos. The excitement of waiting the burden when it came they way it wasnt expected, the funky hues the film made. I just fell in love with the idea of having one after seen lots of polaroids photos of some websites. I still want one so i will have to hurry up before people buy them just to have one. Some people might do that. At least we will be able to buy the films anyways. But no more cameras that is sad. I wonder what the fashion industry will say and do since many used them for many things. Also on XMas and Three Kings Day season… the kids wont be able to get the photos with them to keep as a memory that is sad, breaking a childs dream of having a pic with Santa, Gaspar, Melchor and Baltazar. Lets see what happens and I do hope somebody buys the lisence from them. Polaroid will always be part of us. Ohh the good old things are fading away and some could care less. Damn you digital world… 😦

Across the Universe.

Back in August 2007 I posted here about this movie Across the Universe and yesterday I FINALLY got to see the movie. My dad rented it probably cause I mentioned it to him cause the movie didn’t make it the movie theater here in PR. So sad I know. But anyways we have plenty of place to rent movies. [thanks God]. I went to bed at 4am cuase I had to watch it. but this time I also took photos of the movie so that would make them stills from from the movie them I took more than a 1,000 photos and only 224 made the cut. [haha]

I thing that I cant describe the movie completely but it is GREAT. You have to see it even if you dont care about the beatles. The movie is a masterpiece great work by the director Julie Taymor and to the writers Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais. The costume, lets not even talk about the soundtrack. Perfect soundtrack. The people represented here Janis, Jimi great work there even in the outfits they matched the timeline [for what I have seen about the epoque]. Joe Cocker is even in the movie playing a bum, a pimp and a crazy hippie. Lets not forget Mr. Bono from U2 crazy Doc on the film. It is amazing overall. You can even see the art influence on the movie represented on the character of Jude well played by Jim Sturgess. The girl Lucy played by Evan Rachel Wood symbolized so many things too. You see her growing in the film every minute of it. All the characters develop thru the movie very well even Prudence played by T.V. Carpio.

Photographicly speaking gosh they made that movie so great. The takes the changes everything. That is the main reason why I took photos while the movie was running cause I know there were some good takes as a photgraphy issue. Dont know maybe it is just me but I loved that. Well enough with the movie. Just see it and buy it. Also get the freaking soundtrack it is gorgeous. All we need is love. Not true but we do need love it is not all we need but yeah it does work when we have it and use it.

Now this slideshow could be a spoiler so you have been warn. It haves 224 pictures on it so stay for a while if you want to see it all. It is like a storyboard of the movie my way. [haha] Enjoy.

[en Español], Reviews, Shoes, WTF?

– I have been sick this past few days.
– I have the Flu or Monga as we call it here.
– It all started wednesday at 10pm out of the blue.
– Left someone ‘waiting’ on the phone. [so sorry, imu2].
– Had fever. Spent the day on the bed yesterday.
– Had laptop ON that is Markus msn chatbox on screen 😛
– Liquids running down my nose and cant control it.
– Ate some rammen soup and sob crab dip with ritz crackers.
– Ate that just because I know how it tastes.
*Taste buds aint working.
– Nothing have taste for me this days. Not like this.
– No. I don’t know how to eat with the sticks.
– Only soup haha nothing else, but I try.
– I am crazy to get better only so I can finally taste de Godiva dried strawberries covered in chocolate my friend gave me. [Danke Alena.. ^-^’].
– Spent most of the day alone yesterday.
– I wont take my antibiotics tonight.
– I like being sick sometimes. Is that bad?

*Taste buds are small structures on the upper surface of the tongue, soft palate, and epiglottis that provide information about the taste of food being eaten. The human tongue has about 10,000 taste buds.

Ego City / Issue 3

PLEASE click the image for full view to watch it.
Ego City / Issue 3 directly from Winnipeg, Canada by Reetbot

This zine is the third issue it contains photos of the graffiti scene in Winnipeg, Canada. The package also included some stickers by Reetbot. The zine size of this issue changed it is a 5 [wide] by 8 [height] it contains some photocopies in color the rest are black and white. All photos are by Reetbot and DAKO, every second page is upside down. Still it is awesome and very well done. The themes of the issues depends on the ideas that Mr. Reetbot haves at that time [this makes it even better]. I found out about this magazine directly from Reetbot and well I asked him if he could send me the issue. Kindly enough he did. Why i asked for this zine? Cause it is a pretty good and original idea. Very unique and special simple in the making but with so much creativity that I couldnt resist it. 😀

+INFO on Ego City visit and ask myspace.com/reetbot