Thank You Dude!!!

Thank You Dude!!!

So this is a “wallpaper” I made for my friend Javier [el vil delirio]. He is moving from one place to another and well out of the blue I got inspired. I know he loves skulls and blue tones [male blues like he says] so Imade this up. Just finished it. For me it is like a Thank You card with out the thank you words. [] I am thakful and blessed that I got to know him, his wife and little girl. He already saw it and liked it [that made me happy].

well that is the story behind this.
Done in Illustrator and Photoshop.

Working for free… Hell No!!

To those who are looking for someone to do work for free… please wake up and join the real world

Every day, there are more and more CL posts seeking “artists” for everything from auto graphics to comic books to corporate logo designs. More people are finding themselves in need of some form of illustrative service.

But what they’re NOT doing, unfortunately, is realizing how rare someone with these particular talents can be.

To those who are “seeking artists”, let me ask you; How many people do you know, personally, with the talent and skill to perform the services you need? A dozen? Five? One? …none?

More than likely, you don’t know any. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be posting on craigslist to find them.

And this is not really a surprise.

In this country, there are almost twice as many neurosurgeons as there are professional illustrators. There are eleven times as many certified mechanics. There are SEVENTY times as many people in the IT field.

So, given that they are less rare, and therefore less in demand, would it make sense to ask your mechanic to work on your car for free? Would you look him in the eye, with a straight face, and tell him that his compensation would be the ability to have his work shown to others as you drive down the street?

Would you offer a neurosurgeon the “opportunity” to add your name to his resume as payment for removing that pesky tumor? (Maybe you could offer him “a few bucks” for “materials”. What a deal!)

Would you be able to seriously even CONSIDER offering your web hosting service the chance to have people see their work, by viewing your website, as their payment for hosting you?

If you answered “yes” to ANY of the above, you’re obviously insane. If you answered “no”, then kudos to you for living in the real world.

But then tell me… why would you think it is okay to live out the same, delusional, ridiculous fantasy when seeking someone whose abilities are even less in supply than these folks?

Graphic artists, illustrators, painters, etc., are skilled tradesmen. As such, to consider them as, or deal with them as, anything less than professionals fully deserving of your respect is both insulting and a bad reflection on you as a sane, reasonable person. In short, it makes you look like a twit.

A few things you need to know;

1. It is not a “great opportunity” for an artist to have his work seen on your car/’zine/website/bedroom wall, etc. It IS a “great opportunity” for YOU to have their work there.

2. It is not clever to seek a “student” or “beginner” in an attempt to get work for free. It’s ignorant and insulting. They may be “students”, but that does not mean they don’t deserve to be paid for their hard work. You were a “student” once, too. Would you have taken that job at McDonalds with no pay, because you were learning essential job skills for the real world? Yes, your proposition it JUST as stupid.

3. The chance to have their name on something that is going to be seen by other people, whether it’s one or one million, is NOT a valid enticement. Neither is the right to add that work to their “portfolio”. They get to do those things ANYWAY, after being paid as they should. It’s not compensation. It’s their right, and it’s a given.

4. Stop thinking that you’re giving them some great chance to work. Once they skip over your silly ad, as they should, the next ad is usually for someone who lives in the real world, and as such, will pay them. There are far more jobs needing these skills than there are people who possess these skills.

5. Students DO need “experience”. But they do NOT need to get it by giving their work away. In fact, this does not even offer them the experience they need. Anyone who will not/can not pay them is obviously the type of person or business they should be ashamed to have on their resume anyway. Do you think professional contractors list the “experience” they got while nailing down a loose step at their grandmother’s house when they were seventeen?

If you your company or gig was worth listing as desired experience, it would be able to pay for the services it received. The only experience they will get doing free work for you is a lesson learned in what kinds of scrubs they should not lower themselves to deal with.

6. (This one is FOR the artists out there, please pay attention.) Some will ask you to “submit work for consideration”. They may even be posing as some sort of “contest”. These are almost always scams. They will take the work submitted by many artists seeking to win the “contest”, or be “chosen” for the gig, and find what they like most. They will then usually have someone who works for them, or someone who works incredibly cheap because they have no originality or talent of their own, reproduce that same work, or even just make slight modifications to it, and claim it as their own. You will NOT be paid, you will NOT win the contest. The only people who win, here, are the underhanded folks who run these ads. This is speculative, or “spec”, work. It’s risky at best, and a complete scam at worst. I urge you to avoid it, completely. For more information on this subject, please visit [link].

So to artists/designers/illustrators looking for work, do everyone a favor, ESPECIALLY yourselves, and avoid people who do not intend to pay you. Whether they are “spec” gigs, or just some guy who wants a free mural on his living room walls. They need you. You do NOT need them.

And for those who are looking for someone to do work for free… please wake up and join the real world. The only thing you’re accomplishing is to insult those with the skills you need. Get a clue.

Note: I didnt wrote this I took it from a journal that took it from another site that took it from other place etc… 😀 here is the [link] to the “original”

About some "Unknown" artists

Yeah I might talk about some unknown artist. People that I know but you dont know. I have friends that are in bands, paint, take pictures, do graffiti or act at plays.
So I was thinking ….
Why I dont inteview them and make a blog about them so people get to know them?
Is that just right and fair? Yeah it is. [I said to myself].
These unkown artist will have their own label with the same name [the link will be at the right side of the of the navigation menu under the same name unknown artists]

So this idea isnt new in my mind I was trying to make a web blog about unknown bands and musicians, but, guess what? none of them were like really interested or didnt have time. So I will try again but I will just add it to this blog. I hope my friends get up and just answer the freaking questions.. again their will be interviews in english and in spanish or spanglish… so you already know.

Thanks for reading and keep in touch.

Of course I will still write my crazy un-usefull stuff and random ideas, projects and my digital or traditional art.

Nobuta wo Produce

Nobuta wo Produce [Produciendo a Nobuta] fue una recomendacion que me hizo una amiga que es fanatica de las series asiaticas. Yo soy admiradora del anime ella tambien asi que andaba media aburrida y como veo que siempre tiene cosas relacionadas con Asia y su cultur le pregunte que me recomendaba y asi fue que me entere de toda esta serie.

Esto es un Dorama [un drama sacado de un manga “comic” en japones]. Si es una historia o drama basada en un comic japones. Fue lanzada en Japon para el 2005. Esta serie rompio records y su soundtrack ocupo el primer lugar en las listas. En fin es lo que he leido por ahi. Hice un websearch sobre la drama y esto fue lo que econtre en

“Kiritani Shuji, es un joven de 17 años que va al instituto como todos los chicos de su edad. Es tremendamente popular ya que siempre es amable con todo el mundo aunque todo es apariencia ya que en realidad no le gusta estar haciendo favores a todos sus amigos. Sale con la chica más popular del instituto pero no le hace mucho caso. El único que conoce su verdadero carácter es Kusano Akira, un estudiante un poco estrafalario que tiene un tic que hace con los dedos y siempre dice Kon-kon [imagen a la izq personaje de Akira]. Un día Shuji, yendo para el instituto, se encuentra a una chica misteriosa al lado de un árbol. Ese mismo día hay un nuevo alumno en el instituto: la misma chica misteriosa que ha visto antes. Su nombre es Kotani Nobuko [Nobuta]. La chica no llega con buen pie ya que es muy solitaria y antisocial y las típicas gamberras se meteran con ella. Justo cuando la estan mojando con una manguera Akira y Shuji aparecen y a partir de ese momento intentaran que Nobuta (Apodo con la que la conocerán) sea la chica más popular del instituto. Entre otras cosas intentaran que sea más sociable y le cambiaran el look para que los chicos se fijen más en ella. En el proceso se darán cuenta del verdadero sentido de la amistad.”

Eso es mas bien el resumen de la serie. La serie para las personas que estan acostumbrada a esto no sera nada nuevo. Es un tanto predecible pero como todo japone tiene sus momentos interesantes aunq parece predecible siempre pasa algo raro y sospechas de quien no debes etc. El personaje de Akira es mi favorito cuando dice kon-kon precioso… hehe y sobre todo cuando le ensenha a Nobuta su Nobuta Power Enter!!! tiene que ver la pose es increible super cute [mostrada en la imagen a la izq]. Recuerden que estos dramas son un tanto diferentes ellos sacan mucho de su cultura y modo de vivir en sus cosas lo que es bien bueno porque aprendes a apreciarl su cultura. Seguramente uno se identifica con alguno de los personajes. El final esta un poco triste pero no le quita al contrario es diferente y no tan esperado. Confieso que llore casi al final. Asi que se las recomiendo grandemente si no tinen nada que hacer o quieren ver algo nuevo y aprender a la vez de otros lugares y su cultura. Nobuta wo Produce consta de 10 episodio puedes verla completa en gracias a Maixe47 [arigatou!~ kawaii~]. Cada episodio consta de 5 a 6 partes de 10min cada una.

First Episodio [kawaii!] o[>.<]o