Artist of the Month: Ivan Petrushevski

This month artist is Ivan Petrushevski but you might know him as Flim. Student of Art History in Skopje, Macedonia. He is 22 years old [twin brother to Jovan also feature here on The Blog link]. His main character is a bear with no name but lots of cuteness and emotions. He also have other characters boys, girls, skulls and others in bear outfits too. Skilled on graffiti, vectors/digital art , stickers and paintings. His vector works are simple but very well made. His pallete is very colorfull most of the time. Met him on thru brother. His works have been part of expositions around Skopje too. On his spare time enjoys films and trip-hop music. I personally enjoy his works because of the colors, and the characters. he combines them pretty well uses fatlines to difine them [thing that i enjoy]. His favorite color is yellow you will see that when you go to his gallery [link provided below]. His work can give you a spontaneous moment of happiness and might take you back to your childhood.+Info:

Artist of the Month: Ivan Petrushevski

This month artist is Ivan Petrushevski but you might know him as Flim. Student of Art History in Skopje, Macedonia. He is 22 years old [twin brother to Jovan also feature here on The Blog link]. His main character is a bear with no name but lots of cuteness and emotions. He also have other characters boys, girls, skulls and others in bear outfits too. Skilled on graffiti, vectors/digital art , stickers and paintings. His vector works are simple but very well made. His pallete is very colorfull most of the time. Met him on thru brother. His works have been part of expositions around Skopje too. On his spare time enjoys films and trip-hop music. I personally enjoy his works because of the colors, and the characters. he combines them pretty well uses fatlines to difine them [thing that i enjoy]. His favorite color is yellow you will see that when you go to his gallery [link provided below]. His work can give you a spontaneous moment of happiness and might take you back to your childhood.


Que yo escribia cabron el decia.

Que yo escribia cabron
ya esos dias pasaron
las historias se borraron

nuevos cuentos llegan
aun asi no me mueven
no me inquietan
a veces siento un leve
cosquilleo en los dedos
pero eso no es razon suficiente
que me mueva a hacerlo

que yo escribia cabron
ya eso dias pasaron
tengo que crear historias nuevas

las fijaciones modernas
el tiempo tan corto
y tan lento cuando menos lo esperas
arrastrando las manecillas
arrastrando la paciencia
los suenhos y la decadencia

que yo escribia cabron
fueron las lineas
vaya descripcion
la veo positiva
es la expresion mas pura
mas divina arraigada al
momento subliminal de la vida.

claro que yo escribia cabron
era a ti a quien escribia
sera que eres egoista
o realmente lo sentias

que yo escriba…
que ya escribi
que yo escribia cabron el decia…

*cabron: algo bien bueno o bien malo; depende del contexto
[en este caso bueno haha no lo dije yo lo dijo el.]

no voy a pedir perdon.
so bregate con eso.