Super Bowl Ads of 2008

The Super Bowl was yesterday. NY Giants won like I cared [not a fan of football in PR we dont play it but people follow the games anyways just another excuse to drink and have a party HA!!!]. Anyways I always enjoy the Ads. Companies waste $3 Million of dollars or even more just for a spot during the Super Bowl 2008 [that is a 1:00 min or 0:30 sec spot]. I saw some commercials and dont know this is my personal opinion but most of them sucked. I dont know why cause if you are spending more than 1 million dollars on them make that mony well spent. It is suppose to stay on the peoples head for like a week on ther subconscience. This is a list of my top five ads. Gatorade wated their money didnt like the dog commercial wasnt funny or good at all.

FAVORITE Super Bowl Ad in 2008

Coca Cola Ad

[It is mine ‘Underdog’, ‘Steevie’ and Charlie Brown’]

— This ones were good too. No special order. —

E-Trade Ad

[Baby and Clown]

Diet Pepsi Max Ad
[Chris Kattan, Macy Gray, Missy Elliot, LL Cool J, Busta Rhymes]

Pepsi Ad

[Justin Timberlake]

Victoria Secret Ad

[Angel Adriana Lima]

Coca Cola Ad “Jinx”

[Democrat James Carville and former Republican Senator Bill Frist]

Super Bowl Ads of 2008

The Super Bowl was yesterday. NY Giants won like I cared [not a fan of football in PR we dont play it but people follow the games anyways just another excuse to drink and have a party HA!!!]. Anyways I always enjoy the Ads. Companies waste $3 Million of dollars or even more just for a spot during the Super Bowl 2008 [that is a 1:00 min or 0:30 sec spot]. I saw some commercials and dont know this is my personal opinion but most of them sucked. I dont know why cause if you are spending more than 1 million dollars on them make that mony well spent. It is suppose to stay on the peoples head for like a week on ther subconscience. This is a list of my top five ads. Gatorade wated their money didnt like the dog commercial wasnt funny or good at all.

FAVORITE Super Bowl Ad in 2008

Coca Cola Ad

[It is mine ‘Underdog’, ‘Steevie’ and Charlie Brown’]

— This ones were good too. No special order. —

E-Trade Ad

[Baby and Clown]

Diet Pepsi Max Ad
[Chris Kattan, Macy Gray, Missy Elliot, LL Cool J, Busta Rhymes]

Pepsi Ad

[Justin Timberlake]

Victoria Secret Ad

[Angel Adriana Lima]

Coca Cola Ad “Jinx”

[Democrat James Carville and former Republican Senator Bill Frist]